• Phone: (+91) 7738 3454 50
  • Email: meetus@cuttingchaitech.com

Engage, Solve
Enhance Experiences

Engage Solve and Enhance Experiences

Inventa location based Personalisation Solution

A first-of-its-kind and complete O2O Communication Platform for Consumer Businesses

Deliver Hyper Personalized Experiences For Your Users

No more manual segmentation. The Inventa solution dynamically segments users based on location time and preferences across the online and offline world view.

Create Engagements and Drive Conversions

Inventa Visit Scheduling Solution

Control in the hands of the consumer - Improved Customer experience

Flexible to extend to multiple user journeys across omni consumer engagements

  • Rapid adoption with minimum integration
  • Detailed analytics to measure efficacy and ROI

Inventa Safe Distancing Solution

Proactive measure for minimising contact and automating presence registering

Solution to help maintain safe-distancing and attendance reporting and visitor monitoring in your ecosystem

  • Mobile based Physical Distancing measure for the workforce
  • Allows Businesses to adhere to Public safety guidelines
  • Using Inventa’s market proven and ready-to-plugin technology.
  • Safety and accountability in operations post Covid-19 - in a Hybrid Model


The Inventa Solution Suite works across customer facing industries for myriad user journeys

The Inventa platform provides a true omni-channel solution by engaging with consumers in their micro moments

Create innovative, differentiating Customer Journeys

Enhance engagement with communication triggers basis dynamic profile created basis preference, real time location.

Unique gamification experiences to boost customer engagement and click throughs.